How long is the shipping?

We ship goods within 24 hours and depending on your location it can be delivered to you within 1 to 3 days.


Can I track my shipping?

Yes, your shipping comes with a tracking number so that you can sit back and relax while knowing the item is being sent to you!


How much Costs is shipping to my country?

We offer free shipping all over the India.


How do I make a purchase?

  1. We currently accept Credit/Debit (MasterCard/Visa) or AMEX cards!
  2. Click on an item to view all the available details.
  3. Select the details (if any), and click on 'Add to Cart’. This action will lead you to your Shopping Cart Summary, in which you can choose to continue browsing, or make payment for the chosen piece(s). Repeat steps (1) and (2) if you wish to add more items to your shopping cart.
  4. Click on ‘Next’ once you’ve finalized your order. Confirm your mailing address and please remember to include your phone no. so we can put it on the delivery advice, just in case you’re not home. This way, Mr. Postman will be able to contact you.
  5. Pay via Credit/Debit card or choose to pay Cash on Delivery, you’re done!


Is there any warranties/guarantees on the product?

We offer a no questions asked return policy of 30 days right after you received your purchase for your ease of mind! 

Do you offer any discounts for first-time buyers?

We definitely suggest subscribing to our newsletter to be the first to know about our special promotions and sales! We do the giveaway a special code for first timers who subscribed!

How do I make a return?

We are sorry things didn't turn out as what you expected! Please get in touch with one of our friendly customer representatives and we will see what can we do to ease your problems!


How can I reach you?

Our friendly team of customer services is reachable at mail@glidedgoods.co.in Be sure to like us too with Facebook, and subscribe to our email list for our special promotions and sales!